As an artist and a lover of cakes and desserts, I think the transition of me baking for flavor and then decorating to what pleases the eye came naturally way back in 2006.
When I left my corporate job in 2016 I took the leap and invested in my craft by earning my Professional Master Certificate in Butter Icing, Sugar Art and Sugar Flowers. Not long thereafter I joining the South African Cake Decorators Guild and really started to experiment and learn more and more wonderful ways of playing with sugar! The possibilities are nigh endless and I haven't even scratched the surface!
For now, with everything else going on with raising our children and renovating our home, I bake on consignment and enter the occasional Regional Competition, being extremely proud of my achievements in the last few years, most predominant being the designer and team leader in our Gladiola Botha Alberton Branch where we won 3rd place in the National Cake Show 2019!
This space is designed for clients and friends and family view my creations over the last few years...