/dɪˈzəːt/ noun: dessert; plural noun: desserts the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal. "a dessert of chocolate mousse"synonyms:pudding, sweet, sweet course/dish, second course, last course;

It's number 12 for Romancing the Home's weekly challenges! What a journey it has been! And we couldn't have planned it better; first we had the beauty of Spring to share ideas on how to optimize the season and just like that! in a blink, now it's the festive season!
What I love the most about this time of the year is that I can use Mixed Spice in almost anything and not have to feel as though it's somehow inappropriate (I sometimes put it into the kids oats or hot cocoa)! What I also do every year is make biscuits for the tree and have the children decorate them. They would then get to eat them one by one as a kind of advent calendar

I use my trusty No-Chill-Cut-Out-Cookie Recipe (you can find it on Ruffles & Rust Floral Food Blog) and add a tablespoon of Robertson's Mixed Spice. To decorate I usually do the Royal Icing thing, but this time I went simple, you can throw on some colored sugar crystals or brush with some edible gold luster to add some sparkle to your festive biscuits!

I have a really old school Christmas Cookie Cutter Set I inherited from my mother in law and decided to use it this year instead of my usual giant cutters. I also decorated these myself instead of letting the kids have a go.

Another Tasty Treat we always love in abundance this time of the year is Fruit Mince Pies.
When you're a family of 6, well, that a whole pack gone in minutes. So I make my own similar tasting desserts using the following method:

Cookie Dough Recipe
125g baking margarine/butter
125ml granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 egg
500ml flour
10ml baking powder
Method: Always Cream your butter first. then add your sugar, essence and egg. then sift in your flour and baking powder simultaneously. Divide your dough into 2, pressing one half into a rectangular baking dish, around A4 size, and poking with a fork. I use a whole jar of Safari Fruit Mince (it's worth it!) and spread it across the cookie dough with the back of a tablespoon. Then you grate the remainder of the cookie dough over the Fruit Mince, making sure you get it as covered as possible. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes or until gold brown. Remove from the oven, allow to cool slightly and cut. Allow to cool completely before attempting to remove them from the dish, often, re cutting is required. ENJOY!
Et voila! A little bit of our family tradition and a whole lot of yumminess shared with you today! What's your favorite Festive Dessert? I'd love to hear all about it!

Don't forget to check out the other ladies festive fancies at
and Keep It French
Hope to see you all again next week for another fun installment of Romancing the Home!
