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Best Bran Muffins!

Hi there, and welcome back! It's been a bit of long time since I last put anything up. So I'm going to make it short and simple!

This year our family made the decision to Home school ALL the children! Okay, so the youngest is three, but the others, seven, eleven and thirteen are the ones needing this change. Why did we make this decision? Fairly simple, although many may still be left scratching their heads; it's the right thing for my family. We are not politically or religiously aligned with anything South Africa has to offer and face it, socially and ecologically, the school system here could seriously improve. So here we are. One child in high school, one in foundation phase and another labelled ADHD. Pfffft. Walk in the park!

The best advise I came across in my many hours of research on the topic of Home-schooling, mix up the formal education with fun stuff. So Poetry may not be fun for everyone, but in it's simplicity, it inspires a certain thought process which if I may say so mysef, is always best served with tea and freshly baked goods!

This is a super duper easy recipe with a lot of variations that you can really have fun with, It take about 30 minutes max to get this from the cupboard tot he table (as they are most definitely bets when HOT!

My muffin pans are really seasoned and I prefer paper cups because they come out so effortlessly. And of course, as a baker, I buy in bulk and don't feel the cost of their frequent consumption in my house.

TIP: Soak your bran in the buttermilk for at least 30min before making your muffin mix.

This recipe make a dozen ( twelve regular sized ) muffins. The cups will be pretty full when you've finished scooping the batter in.

Always preheat your oven to ensure the cooking time allocated results in light, fluffy and moist bakes!

There's no such thing as cooling muffins in our home.....

By the time I've prepped the batter and put the muffins in the oven to bake, the kettle has been put on to boil ( on the gas stove ) and would have done so with being poured into the tea pot and have the table set for tea. Then it's straight to the table with the oven fresh bakes and we sit down for Poetry Tea Time.

This round of muffins had citrus rind inside, adding a fresh and tangy sweetness to the taste and aroma! Other additions to try is chopped banana, finely chopped apple with a spoon of cinnamon or dried cranberries with dark chocolate chips!

This is a foolproof recipe that my children can make unsupervised. ( I always do, even when they think I'm not there... )



1 and 1/2 cup bran

1 cup buttermilk

2/3 cup brown sugar

1/3 cup sunflower oil

1 large egg

1/2 tsp vanilla essence

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1 tsp baking powder

1 cup all purpose flour

1/2 cup raisins ( or any of the above mentioned alternatives )


Preheat oven to 190 degrees celcius

Soak bran in buttermilk

Beat sugar, oil, egg, essence and salt in a mixing bowl until well combined.

Seive in flour, bicarb and baking powder and combine with wet ingredients. Add bran/buttermilk mix and mix well. Fold in raisins and divide evenly between cups or well greased muffin pan. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes ( until rich brown color )

When you start salivating because of the amazing smell in your kitchen, they're probably ready!

Enjoy! We certainly do...

'Til next time!


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